Sunday, May 4, 2008

Yesterday: Guam

Yesterday, Barack Obama won the cuacauses in Guam by defeating Hillary Clinton by a mere 7 votes. A very small margin considering that 4,500 votes were cast. What i found interesting is the fact that Guam will send delegates to the convention but that the U.S. citizens in Guam cannot vote in the November election- something that Hillary Clinton stressed needed to be changed while campaining via telephone interviews. I tried to research the issue and nobody seemed to have an answer to why Guamanians ( i would assume thats what you call them) cannot vote. Strange. However, they will send 8 delegates, each with 1/2 vote, and 2 super delgates to the democratic national convention. From what ive read candidates typically spend little, if any, time campaigning to get guam's votes. But Obama and Clinton did what they could by investing in local advertising and holding long distance telephone interviews. Obviously, the two democratic candidates are doing whatever they can to win votes and either increase or decrease the small margin that separates them. For you viewing pleasure...locals from Guam and their interest in the election:

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