Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hugh Hewitt

Tonight, in one of my classes at UCI, we were blessed with the presence of right wing blogger Hugh Hewitt. Initially, i was caught off guard by his extreme right wing views and was not interested in what he had to say. His views were the exact opposite of my own and many other left wingers in the class- his opinions were clearly skewed on subjects such as religion, the war in Iraq, and the upcoming presidential race. However, in the end, i was quite suprised (and impressed) by the presentation that was given. It was clear that a lot of the students were getting offended. Especially one guy in particular who could not stop arguing and mocking Mr. Hewitt. But Hugh took it in stride and made the guy look like a fool. It was some very, very entertaining stuff. When i walked out i was actually convinced that i was going to completely flip sides and vote for Old Man McCain. Man, the things a powerful and persuasive speech can do to you....Barack Obama, anyone? anyone? So, after listening to a right winger make some good points I am now going to further my research on the two (less Hillary) candidates. Its obvious that there are extremists on both sides of the political spectrum and that each of them have there selling points. But, there is only one question that really needs to be answered: Who is the most capable of running our country?

-Hugh came off as a know it all. and a smart ass. check out this youtube video that humbles him- if only for a a minute. Its good stuff.

-Also, if your interested in reading interesting and insightful extreme right wing political opinions check out

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