Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cutting College Costs

There was a very good article today on about the what the nominess have said in regards to the current cost of college.
Being a college student myself, I have seen the rapid increase in the cost of attending a four year college. When i attended UCI in 2002 the cost of tuition was approximately $1700. Now, 6 years late, its near $2800 and rising. The numbers dont lie. The average cost of attending a private school, according to
CNN, is $32,000 and a public in-state school is $13,000. Those costs are difficult to afford for even a higher income middle class family.
Apparently all 3 candidates have ideas that will help ease the financial burden on such families. Obama said that "We will give you the money you need to afford a college education without going $30,000 or $40,000 into debt. And in exchange, you are going to participate in community service." Hillary says that she wants to give $10,000 scholarships if the young give two years of national service. McCain says that he wants education to be available for EVERYONE.
Big proposals on a very big issue. They could just be saying this to win votes in November. Who knows if what they say will actually be put into effect. Only time will tell.

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