Wednesday, May 21, 2008

McCains Mate

Amidst all the controversy and bickering in the democratic party, the Republican party has been all but forgotten. Old Man McCain has been sitting on his already-won nomination for nearly 2 months and has been able to stay out of the controversy while garnering some attention by periodically chiming in on significant issues and detailing his plans if he wins the election. But, alas! News on the GOP front. It looks as if OM McCain has begun to look for a running mate. The options are a plenty and range from Mitt Romney to Jeb Bush to (yes, i heard it) Michael Dell. For the most part, I could care less who he picks as I am not to well informed on the status of prospective Vice Presidents.
According to Yahoo! news and various other sources OM McCain is planning a delightful memorial day weekend retreat at his ranch in Arizona. The attendees will be Bobby Jindal, the Indian-American governor of Louisiana, Florida Governor Charlie Crist, and former presidential hopeful Mitt Romney. Sounds like a very diverse and exciting group of fellows.
Well, thats all on the Republican front for now. Hopefully McCain will make his decision soon so we wont have to worry about the Republicans again until November. The following video is a snippet from MSNBC that gives a run down of the potential picking of a Republican running mate:

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