Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Is it the end for Hillary?

After a tough couple of days for Hillary Clinton it is hard to believe that she will continue in the race for the presidency. A day after losses in Indiana and North Carolina, it looks as if Hillary will step away- much to the delight of the super delegates and backers of the democratic party. Many believe that the longer the democratic nomination race continues the worse it is for the democratic party. It is doubtful that either Obama or Clinton will receive the necessary 2,025 delegates needed for the presidential nomination. However, with the help of the super delegates a candidate might be ablt to achieve the minimum. This seems to be scenario that most democrats want and are leaning towards. On Wednesday, former North Dakota Sen. George McGovern, a Clinton supporter called on her to drop out of the race. He said that, mathematically, Barack has all but won the nomination and that "it is time to unite." It is obvious that the pressure facing the super delegates (and Hillary for that matter) is mounting. They must chose who they are backing and in some instances may have to change there original allegiances. The next few days are going to be crucial for the democratic party and many questions continue to linger. The most important one being: What is Hillary going to do?
The following is a breakdown of Clintons numbers:

Also: Clinton says she'll stay in race

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