Friday, May 23, 2008

After this she may as well quit

Hillary continues to bury her campaign by making foolish comments that all re but solidifying her loss in the race for the democratic nomination for the presidency. In an interview the other day she said, and I quote, "You know, my husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. You know, I just don't understand it. You know, there's lots of speculation about why it is. " Wow. Some pretty heavy words. Yes, she did reference an assasination and did so in a very non-chalant way. Okay, maybe it is getting blown out of proportion by the likes of keith olbermann but, some think the ridicule is justified. Personally, I think it was an honest mistake that it will undoubtedly effect her in a very negative way. Considering the death threats that Barack Obama has gotten since he declared for the presidency and the seriousness of assassinations, the quotes by Clinton will linger with her for days to come. If you were unable to catch her comments, they can be seen below.

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